Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Here are some more pictures from my love's birthday. 
In my opinion his work day as way too long! I think his boss should allow him a paid day off for his birthday next year. *grins* But anyway, once Justin got home he showered and then started up the grill with the new grilling stuff Mom and Dad Sanford got him for his birthday. He really enjoyed using the charcoal grill for the first time. 

Since the charcoal grill takes awhile to get warm, I asked Justin if we could get some pictures together. Thanks to our porch railing and the long self timer on the camera, we were able to get some really nice pictures together!   
 Like this one, and a couple more at the bottom of the post...

You know you cannot have a birthday party without ballons and presents, right? Well there's a funny story behind those ballons you see in this picture. I bought them without Justin knowing and I tried to blow them up before he got home that day to surprise him with the decorations. As it turns out, I don't have enough hot air or big enough lungs to blow those things up! *nervous laugh* So I sheepishly told that to Justin and he just laughed and blow them up for me when he got home. He did each one in practically one breathe too! lol But all is well that ends well, and in the end he got his ballons. :)

Here he is using the grill that Grandpa Fennema gave him the last time we were up their way. It worked like a charm and the Italian sausages he made were absolutely delicious! 

After dinner he opened his gifts from me...

...and we had some cake together. 


I even sang happy birthday to him all by myself just so he would be able to say he got it sung to him. *proud grin*

Here are two more of the pictures we got before dinner... Enjoy!


Oh how I love this strong man the Lord has given me. *happy sigh* 

Until next time!


  1. Awww that last picture looks so sweet. Very lovely pictures! :)

  2. AH! I LOVE the last picture, Melinda!!! :) So sweet! I love seeing you guys looks so in love, it makes me smile. :) Looks like Justin had a great birthday! :) <3
