Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Courtship - A Year Gone By

It all started on June 19, 2011...

At this time last year my Daddy was asked by a very respectable man at church if he could start a courtship with his daughter. My Dad knew my heart on this subject, and after their nice long talk about intentions and boundaries, he gave his approval and said he would talk with my Mom and me to see if I wanted the relationship to begin -- although he pretty much already knew my answer. Later that day my Dad asked if he could see me in the Deacon's office at church (my mom came too). I personally thought I was in trouble for something and had no idea what was going on. When Dad told me someone has asked to court me he didn't even have to say who it was. I could see the excitement in his eyes as he watched my reaction. I had spent years wondering if the Lord would ever bring the right guy along and three years of being eligible and yet not finding the right man. On top of that I had spent a year praying that the Lord would either take the feelings I had for this same man away or make him feel the same towards me. It was a no-brain-er for me and I answered my Dad's question with a "HECK YEAH!"  I admit...*sheepish smile*... my choice in words was not the best but I think it shows my excitement and that I was still in shock that he had actually asked. :) 
That evening my parents and I sat down and discussed some things together. One of the main things we did was come up with a short list of some unanswered questions we had for this man. We emailed them to him and he answered within the hour. If I were to rate his answers as if it were a test he would have passed with an A+. ;) And so our courtship started... *happy sigh* 
 (Since it's no surprise who this secret man is I guess I can just go ahead and call him by his name- Justin. lol) The next morning was a rainy day and since Justin can't do his job in the rain- being in construction and all- we had his whole family over for a little get-together to discuss the purpose of this courtship. Even at that first meeting there was no misunderstanding of where we all saw this relationship going; aka. Marriage. 

Here is the first picture we ever got while courting and seeing it brings back so many memories.

I mean just look at how far apart we were sitting! *laughs*  I think it's safe to say that we were on cloud 9 in this moment though. He was happy that I said 'yes' and didn't act awkward after knowing he was interested and I was happy that he was interested. *grin* 
We have come such a long way since then. I seriously cannot believe it's already been a year since our whole relationship started. But I think it's good to look back and see how far we have come in such a short amount of time. *smiles* We're still so happy together and so blessed to have each other. 

Until next time!


  1. What a sweet story. Thank you for being such a wonderful example to my children and others in the church.

  2. Ah... That was a year ago already... How time flies! In some ways it feels as though it was forever ago that you guys were courting, and then in other ways it feels as if you just got married. :) I loved watching yours and Justin's relationship as it progressed. I feel honored to have had a front row seat to the courtship! :) And I love seeing you guys as a married couple! <3 love you guys! <3
