Monday, March 19, 2012

SPRING!!!!! :D

So. Tomorrow is the first day of Spring and I thought what better way to celebrate than to change out all my Winter clothes to Summer? :) I spent about and a half working on taking things off hangers and putting new Summer clothes on. Taking things out of drawers and stuffing Summer things back in. It took awhile but after I was done I was so proud of myself. *smiles* I also got rid of two whole trash bags worth of clothes! I am what some people call a minor-itty-bitty pack-rat. *guilty grin* I keep a lot of clothing that I don't even wear because you can never be too sure when my mood will change and I'll actually want to wear it. *shrugs* I can be a confusing person sometimes. Or so I'm told. ;)
I cannot wait till Easter Sunday so I can start wearing white skirts and shoes! Being a Southern girl, I never wear white shoes until after Easter Sunday and then I put them away after Labor Day weekend. It's always just been what I've done and I think it's a good tradition. *nods with a smile*

Yesterday my amazing Husband and I went on a walk after we got home from church. It was such a beautiful day too. I absolutely love wide open blue skies with just a few fluffy white clouds. *happy sigh* This shot was taken just down the road from our house.

My best friend, my love, and my life. *love*

Life is keeping us both busy now-a-days. Justin has been getting home late and only had two or three days off these past 5 months (WOW! I cannot believe I can say that now!! *grin*) only because of the weather. So that has been a blessing for us financially but a bummer for me. ;)
Today I am taking it easy and trying not to do much. I've got some sort of cold that makes it hard to sleep at night and drains my energy. But some tea and rest just might do the trick.

Until next time!


  1. I am LOVING the weather! It sure is weird to be wearing my summer clothes in March, but I'm not complaining. :-)
    Sorry you're sick, hope you feel better soon!

  2. did you say two whole trash bags??? Do I get to peak in any of them for hand-me-downs?? ;)

    Hope that tea made you feel better!
